Evolving Constellations Overview
This sketch was programmed using Processing in Java based on the wonderfully inspiring projects on OpenProcessing.org. To provide more user interaction I wrote my own class for creating buttons and sliders. These elements are heavily featured in the graphical user interface that allows for customization and valuable user information for navigating the project. The full sketch code can be viewed by click on the TRY NOW button. To learn more about the Button and Slider Class click here.
Graphical user interface
Pressing the SPACE key hides and shows a simple graphical user interface consisting of buttons and sliders for controlling various settings. The buttons and sliders were created by my own custom class that can be explored here.
dark and light themes
Toggle between a light and dark theme using the theme button in the settings pane.
randomize and reset
Want to discover what is possible? Use the RANDOM button to randomizing all of the settings to create new and unique constellations. If things get out of control clicking the RESET button returns all settings to default.
modify node size
The NODE SIZE slider modifies the size of all of the nodes in real time. Sizes range from 0 to 50 pixels.
Adjust node velocity
The VELOCITY slider adjusts the speed by which nodes disperse around the canvas. Want to create a specific constellation design? Set the velocity to 0 and begin sketching your constellation. Increase the velocity to watch it come to life. The values range from 0 to 1.00 pixels per draw cycle.
assign flux value
The FLUX slider determines the distance from the mouse click that nodes generate. A smaller flux setting creates nodes close to the mouse click origin. A larger flux setting will create nodes at random locations at increasing distances from the mouse origin. The values range from 0 to 50 pixels.
change line connection distance
The DISTANCE slider determines the maximum distance lines will be created between nodes. At pixel distances beyond the distance settings lines break away from nodes while nodes at distances less than the distance setting are connected by lines. The values range from 0 to 200 pixels.
determine line thickness
The LINE slider adjusts the line thickness between connecting nodes. The values range from 0 to 50 pixels. Please note: a line setting of 0 denotes the thinnest possible line that can be generated. For no connecting lines set the DISTANCE slider to 0.
create a trail
The TRAIL slider creates copies of the original created. The number of copies per node is set by the value of the trail slider. The values range from 0 to 50 trailing nodes.
set the gap between trail
The GAP slider sets the distance or gap between the original node and the copied nodes. The values range from 0 to 50 pixels.